Three famous wrestling story lines that changed because of crazy circumstances

Scott Keith

Three famous wrestling story lines that changed because of crazy circumstances image

Wrestling is a funny beast, because promoters can literally make whatever matches they want to see, and craft whatever story line they need to get from Point A to Point B. Unlike, say, the UFC, where some crazy upset can occur and mess up the best laid plans for a big money title match in a heartbeat.

The famous saying about the best laid plans going astray is frequently the case in pro wrestling. Previously we looked at several times that injuries waylaid big plans and title matches, but sometimes even crazier circumstances result in story line going in a drastically different direction.

MORE: Five times injuries altered wrestling history

Case No. 1: Vince’s exploding limousine

Vince McMahon is a wacky guy sometimes, of that there can be no doubt. The proposed biopic about his life can’t help but be only 20 to 30 percent as crazy as his real life and all the things that have happened to him and around him over the years. Case in point: In 2007, the USA Network was looking for a big cliffhanger for sweeps period, and Vince wanted a way to juice the ratings a little bit.

Coming off the “ECW One Night Stand” PPV in 2007, Vince had lost the ECW championship back to Bobby Lashley (Yes, Vince McMahon was once ECW champion, don’t even get me started) and he wasn’t handling it well. The character began going into an apparent depressive state, almost like the real person’s struggles to deal with getting older were showing through to the character. It was pretty heavy, meta-textual stuff for the time. This all led to the June 11 episode of “Raw," which was dubbed “Vince McMahon Appreciation Night." The idea was that it was supposed to be a grand send-off for the Mr. McMahon character, as Vince wanted to retire the idea of “Mr. McMahon." His feeling was that the character had run its course after getting his head shaved via Donald Trump at WrestleMania. Vince endured one last round of humiliation from everyone who wanted to get revenge on him, and then he moped his way to the back to close the show, broken and defeated.

And then he got into his limo, and it blew up.

This was a new thing for the show, as an on-screen character had never been “killed off” before on “Raw”, and it was immediately a bizarre reaction from the real world, with jittery investors actually needing to be reassured that the real Vince McMahon was still very much alive. I guess due to the…ahem…realism of the explosion. Or something.

This was actually supposed to be a grand story line spanning the summertime, and according to a former writer who around at the time, the payoff was to be Vince returning to TV after a six month or so hiatus, having survived the explosion but suffering from amnesia and living as a hobo. Once he had regained his memory, he would gather his army of homeless people and return to wreak havoc on the WWE roster, presumably stealing the company back from the evil forces that had usurped the company out from under him. We’ll get to those later.

This is all well and good, but the week after the limo exploded real life interjected itself, as it often does. Having aired a very violent death for a major character, WWE was suddenly faced with the very tragic and shocking deaths of several very real people in a short span of time. First, former WWE star Sherri Martel was found dead at age 49 of an apparent drug overdose on June 15. Then, on June 22, Chris Benoit murdered his wife and child before killing himself, and suddenly media attention was all over WWE for all the wrong reasons. 

Vince McMahon immediately called an audible due to all the real-life deaths, as the June 25 “Raw” was supposed to be a memorial service for “Mr. Mahon," but instead became the strange Benoit tribute show. The entire “army of hobos” story was sadly abandoned forever, and Vince triumphantly returned to TV as soon as possible to calm the frayed nerves of investors. He’s mostly remained off TV as a regular character since then.

MORE: Getting a grip — Strowman injured, The Rock as Mr. President?

But Vince did have one more notable story line…

Case No. 2: Vince’s heir apparent

On that same fateful June 11 episode of “Raw”, there was a series of draft picks moving guys between that show and “SmackDown”, and one of the people being moved was Ken “Mr. Kennedy” Anderson. Kennedy was a pet project of the upper management in WWE ever since his debut in OVW, and his gimmick name was even given to him as a reference to Vincent Kennedy McMahon in order to sow the seeds of an association with him.

Once Vince returned from his aborted limousine story line, the new soap opera story line saw him picking up the threads of the original direction, sort of. Kennedy, who was always viewed as a kind of heir apparent to the top of the promotion, was to be given a story line where he was the actual heir apparent to Vince McMahon. The original idea behind the exploding limo was that Vince’s video will would be released, whereby he leaves everything he owns to Mr. Kennedy, who would then be revealed as his illegitimate offspring as we go completely off the rails into daytime drama territory. Kennedy would win the World Heavyweight Championship and become the lead villain in the promotion, leading up to a winner-take-all battle with Triple H at WrestleMania, and then McMahon would emerge the next night on “Raw”, miraculously alive after faking his own death with his amnesia and army of hobos and whatnot.

Regardless of all this, with McMahon back and alive again only a week after dying, the story made a bit less sense, but they went ahead with the “illegitimate offspring” stuff anyway and began a story line where McMahon discovered that he had fathered a child in his younger years. This ended up being a lot more comedy-oriented than the original plan of Mr. Kennedy rising up like a fascist dictator and running the company, and was more along the lines of a wacky lawyer doling out a series of clues that led to silly possibilities like Jonathan Coachman or Eugene or whoever. Finally, it built up to the big reveal that in fact McMahon's true heir was Mr. Kennedy, the Money in the Bank winner and guy about to get the rocket to the top. So that’s fine.

Now, one of the other unfortunate side-effects of the Benoit murder-suicide and subsequent attention is that there started to be people poking around in places where WWE didn’t want poked. Specifically, the federal government raided the offices of well-known internet drug company Signature Pharmacy in August of 2007. And guess who was among the 10 WWE superstars named in the scandal? Mr. Kennedy, who was immediately suspended under the WWE’s new Wellness Policy and suddenly bounced all the back down to the bottom of the totem pole again. He had already lost his Money in the Bank briefcase to Edge due to an unrelated injury, and during his absence it was revealed in another “shocking” story line twist that he had faked the paternity test results. The story line picked up again, this time in full comedy mode, and with Kennedy on the sidelines, it was revealed that in fact McMahon's true heir was little-person wrestler Hornswoggle.

Even then, that one couldn’t help but go awry, as the story line twisted further as it petered out, with the true father then revealed to be Finlay as a part of a plot by arch-enemy JBL to do…well, I don’t know, but it was dastardly, I guess. And then they literally just dropped the whole thing one day and never mentioned it again.

That’s probably for the best.

Kennedy never got anywhere near the main event again, and eventually in 2009 was fired for injuring Randy Orton during a match, due to sloppiness in the ring. He immediately burned all his bridges in a series of bitter interviews, and went to TNA.

So basically no one ever saw or heard from him again.

Case No. 3: Bischoff in Disney World

In our final “life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans” story, we just had to take a trip to WCW. Because what’s a list of notable story line botches without WCW?

— Back in 1993, new executive vice president Eric Bischoff enacted a series of money-saving strategies for TV tapings, which mostly amounted to shooting months’ worth of future television shows at the Disney World TV studios in Orlando. This meant that future plans had to be set out in a relatively straightforward manner without much room to alter things.

You just know that this is going to end badly for them.

Occasionally they did get clever with it. One of the most notable early incidents saw TV taping results where the team of Arn Anderson and Paul Roma were filmed wearing the tag team titles, weeks before they were scheduled to actually win them from Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. The title change was clearly going to occur at the July PPV, but swerve, the champions retained the titles there just to mess with everyone who had seen the results of the tapings and thought they knew what would happen. In fact, a rematch was booked for the Clash of the Champions TV special a couple of weeks later, where Anderson and Roma would win the belts after all.

But then real life swerved WCW, as Pillman suffered an injury before the match and was unable to compete, leaving WCW in a very embarrassing position. All the TV shows that had already been produced months earlier showed that Anderson and Roma were champions as of that show, so they couldn’t hold off the title change any longer. Instead, we got a lame substitution, with Steven Regal filling in for Pillman, and the makeshift team of Austin and Regal lost the titles instead. So that’s one bullet dodged, I guess.

— Next (and I’m loathe to include this one because of all the explanation it’ll require) let’s talk about the "Big Gold Belt." These days it’s normal for two world titles to be floating around WWE and it’s not really a big deal, but back in 1993 it was kind of a big mess to have the company recognizing two people as “World Champion” at the same time. The main one was the WCW World Championship, and the red-headed stepchild title was the once-prestigious NWA World Championship. The NWA was a complete nothing organization by that point, essentially a figurehead group of a few wrestling promotions, mostly concerned with keeping their name alive in Japan. WCW was technically a member of the make-believe NWA “alliance” of promoters, but had little interest in paying dues to them when they were clearly the ones in control of all the titles. It’s complicated and even gives us wrestling nerds a headache, but stick with me here: The WCW champion was Big Van Vader and the NWA champion was Ric Flair at the point we’re concerned with, and Flair was fresh off his WWF campaign and was back as the conquering hero of WCW again. He was scheduled to have a series of NWA World title matches with No. 1 contender Rick Rude over the summer, and at the TV tapings it was revealed that Rude would win the NWA World Championship at some point and go on to defend it into the fall.

OK, this is a bit confusing, but all workable within the world of wrestling.

Then, wouldn’t you know, the legal problems started. Remember how I said that WCW had little interest in paying dues to the NWA and thus maintaining their relationship? Well, the remaining people who ran the NWA (mostly New Jersey promoter Dennis Corraluzzo) claimed that any title changes relating to the NWA belt needed to be approved beforehand, and they wanted Flair as champion and not Rude. By August, WCW had withdrawn from the NWA over the dispute, and they were left with weeks of footage of Flair and Rude both carrying around the NWA World Championship which was now unusable because legally they could no longer call it the "NWA World Championship."

So the elegant solution, in the same manner that fixing an appliance by throwing it on the ground and stomping on it is elegant, saw them redo all the commentary for those matches to only refer to the “Big Gold Belt” instead. Indeed, it was a belt that was gold and pretty big, so that’s an accurate description of it, but come on. But don’t worry, because they had an even better solution: Instead of just forgetting about the stupid belt like anyone else would, they actually came up with a story line where the WCW Board of Directors (International Division) chose to recognize “Big Gold Belt” holder Rick Rude as the “WCW International World Heavyweight Champion.” 

Disclaimer: I swear I’m not making any of this up.

That abomination was mercifully unified with the actual WCW World Championship by mid-1994 and never spoken about again.

— OK, one last quickie:

Their final folly with the Disney tapings came at the end of 1993, when they were promoting the main event of Starrcade ’93 as Big Van Vader defending the WCW Championship against newly turned babyface Sid Vicious. The advertising was done, the results weren’t exactly in doubt, everyone was happy. They shot a bunch of weeks of footage for after the show, clearly indicating that Sid would be WCW World champion when all was said and done, and they were set.

Oh, except that a few weeks before the show, Sid tried to stab Arn Anderson with safety scissors during a drunken fight in the hotel room while on a tour of Europe. Sid was immediately fired and they no longer had a main event for their biggest show of the year.  This would probably lead nicely to a new list I'd call "Seventeen times Ric Flair saved WCW from certain disaster at the eleventh hour and still got treated like dirt anyway."  

Needless to say, they were a lot more careful with those Disney tapings from then on. 

Scott Keith

Scott Keith Photo

Scott Keith is the overlord of Scott's Blog of Doom at, and has authored 5 books on pro wrestling, now available on Amazon and in discount bins near you! He lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with his wife and ridiculously cute daughter.