Three times that wrestling fans didn't get who they wanted

Scott Keith

Three times that wrestling fans didn't get who they wanted image

In a previous column we discussed main eventers who were rejected by the fanbase. But what about a different sort of rejection? How about those times when fans were passionately telling the promotion that they wanted someone, but ended up getting someone else entirely?

The obvious case study there is Daniel Bryan’s grassroots ascent to the main event in 2014, of course. Not that anyone in wrestling ever pays attention to the past, but here are some notable cases where the people in charge didn’t listen to the fans until it was too late, and WWE probably could have remembered that this sort of thing has happened before. This isn’t always the case, because sometimes the fans think they want someone and it turns out that the person they want is completely wrong for the role. But that’s a different and entirely more complex list.

So then, here’s a look at three famous times where the fans wanted someone as the top star, and who they got instead.

MORE: Five main event acts that failed

Case No. 1: WCW in 1991

Who the fans wanted: Ric Flair

Who the fans got: Lex Luger

Ric Flair is a legendary wrestler who spent nearly a decade as the lead attraction in Jim Crockett Promotions, which eventually became WCW in 1991. The problem is that there were three wrestlers in the company who made a lot of money, and the parent company, TBS, only wanted to pay two of them.

I guess it makes sense from a certain perspective: You’ve got aging Ric Flair making millions of dollars, plus hot newcomers Sting and Lex Luger also making large guaranteed bank. You’d think the safer bet would be the younger guys, right? In addition, Flair had a long-simmering grudge with WCW President Jim Herd, dating back to the original Ted Turner buyout of the company in 1988. Herd, a former Pizza Hut executive who knew less about wrestling than some of the guys who set up the ring, only saw dollars and cents and felt that Flair was too large of an investment at the money he was getting. So he pitched two ideas to freshen up Flair’s image:

  1. Flair would receive a drastic haircut and image makeover, becoming a “gladiator” and being phased into the midcard in favor of Sting, Lex Luger and Sid Vicious.
  2. Flair would have his hefty guaranteed money contract cut nearly in half, and it wouldn’t be so guaranteed any longer.

The thinking was that business was falling rapidly at the time — which it was — and it was a buyer’s market for talent — which it was. Therefore, Flair was in a weak negotiating position and would come crawling back to WCW once he tested the market. So Herd used a loophole in the contract and fired Flair for a trumped-up reason, feeling they would be unable to come to a deal for a new contract when the current one expired in a few months.

Unfortunately for Jim Herd, he didn’t count on Vince McMahon and the WWF making Flair a giant money offer, which Flair accepted. At the same time, McMahon also signed away top free agent Sid Vicious, which meant that Herd was suddenly left without two of his main event stars and he looked like a complete fool in the eyes of the people above him. See, although Flair was aging and expensive, and Sid was flaky and couldn’t wrestle, they still drew TV ratings, and WCW was owned by a television station. The people above Herd freaked out and last-minute desperation deals were pitched at Flair at the 11th hour, including a rumored job position as booker of WCW in addition to a raise. But it was too late, because Flair signed with the WWF amidst promises of big money and world titles.

Then came the Great American Bash. You may have heard of that show before. See, the really big problem, the one that ultimately cost Jim Herd his job in fact, is that Ric Flair was the WCW World Heavyweight Champion at the point when he was fired. Yes, Jim Herd actually fired his own reigning World Champion and allowed him to sign with the competition. Not to mention, competition that was hurting for main event stars at that point and could really use someone like Ric Flair. To say this whole situation was a giant embarrassment for a company already built on embarrassing situations would be a massive understatement.

But no problem, right? They still had Lex Luger in the wings to replace Flair. At the Great American Bash 1991 PPV (widely regarded as the worst show in history for many years following), Lex Luger defeated Barry Windham in a cage match (why a cage match? I don’t know, just because) to win the vacant WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Oh, forget to mention: Flair took the title belt with him to the WWF as well, because Jim Herd is apparently not very good at the whole wrestling thing. The crowd in Baltimore that night, who were very much hip to the room and knew that Flair had been fired, spent the entire show chanting “We Want Flair!” during every excruciatingly terrible match (and there were a lot of them). And then for most of the next six months afterwards. They were pretty bitter about it, to be honest.

Meanwhile, Lex Luger was a complete flop as World Champion in every sense of the word, drawing some of the lowest ratings in the history of the company in that role. Not only that, but his contract was even more lucrative than Flair’s, and guaranteed that he would only work a certain number of dates every year. Which WCW, in its wisdom, burned through by September because they wanted Lex working all of the house shows as well as TV. So by the end of the year, they were left with a World Champion that no one wanted to see, and who they couldn’t book for shows anyway. Luger also left by the end of the year, but at least they were smart enough to get him to drop the title to Sting on the way out this time. Thankfully, Flair came back in 1993 and never left again.

MORE: WrestleMania main events that failed to deliver

Case No. 2: The Lex Express

Who the fans wanted: Bret Hart

Who the fans got: Lex Luger

Oh, poor Lex, here I go again taking shots at him.

So that Hulk Hogan guy was pretty popular for a time. That time, unfortunately, was not 1993.  A series of drug scandals and questionable PR moves had left both the WWF and Hogan in a bad position. Hulk was dropping quickly as a marketable star after going on "The Arsenio Hall Show" and claiming to have only used steroids one time, in 1983, to heal an arm injury. I know, right? The idea that an upstanding guy like Hogan would ever use steroids. Crazy talk.

Anyway, by 1993 the WWF was sorely lacking in star power and a marketable main event for WrestleMania, so they managed to drag Hogan away from his “lucrative” movie career for one last run as World Champion. The problem, of course, was that no one told World Champion Bret Hart about this plan until a few days before WrestleMania. Now, the truth of that particular story is still hotly debated to this day and it’s not really relevant, but Bret believed that he would end up as World Champion again by SummerSlam and Vince McMahon had entirely different plans. Especially once new World Champion Hulk Hogan decided that he wanted to go work in Japan for more money and less dates.

If there’s three things you can say about Hulk Hogan, however, it’s that he is:

  1. Tall. 
  2. Muscular. 
  3. Blond.

Well, that’s easy enough to replace, right? Luckily for Vince and all of us, he had a perfectly good Hulk Hogan substitute under contract in the form of Lex Luger! He was all three of those things and 10 years younger! And since people love America, all that was needed was to take this guy who looked somewhat like Hogan, wrap him in the American flag, and then stick him on a bus that was literally painted to look like a giant American flag called “The Lex Express” until people were clamoring for him to beat foreign menace Yokozuna (who was from San Francisco, by the way). The problem, among many, is that Lex Luger is not a particularly charismatic babyface, and he mostly gives off the impression that he’s the same kind of arrogant bodybuilder jock stereotype in real life that he frequently played in WCW. Not exactly the person you’d want waving the flag and kissing babies.

Meanwhile, Hart, who had been supposedly promised a World title reign by the summer, was stuck in a feud with announcer Jerry Lawler and he was still extremely popular. Lex was … less so. Luger’s popularity was supposed to peak at SummerSlam '93 with a victory over Yokozuna for the WWF World Championship, but Vince McMahon instead wanted to delay the star-spangled celebration until WrestleMania 10 in 1994. The world had to settle for Luger getting a lame countout win instead.

After literally spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in marketing the new All-American superhero “Made in the USA” Lex Luger, Hart was still the more popular wrestler, and Luger kind of languished in the midcard while the WWF machine built him up again over the fall. By January, it was time for the final test in the form of the Royal Rumble. Lex was to win and get his long-awaited rematch with Yokozuna at WrestleMania. But with Bret’s popularity still not receding, they did an experiment for the finish of the match: Both Bret and Lex hit the floor at the same time to end the match, resulting in a draw. They were co-winners!

Well, it’s hard to call Luger a “winner” based on that, because Bret was overwhelmingly cheered over Lex that night, and the decision was made to pull the plug on Luger’s big push once and for all. By 1995, he was back in WCW, where he belonged, and he never returned to the WWF.

MORE: Five injuries that altered the course of wrestling history

Case No. 3: Two Dudes with Attitudes

Who the fans wanted: Shawn Michaels

Who the fans got: Diesel

You might think to yourself that Vince McMahon couldn’t possibly make the same mistake again a year later, but you must not have watched many Roman Reigns main events if so. He just really wanted that superman archetype as his World champion, no matter how ill-suited the guy in question was.

So that brings us to Shawn Michaels, who was a rising star in 1993 that was friends with a guy going nowhere in WCW named Kevin Nash. Michaels brought him into the WWF to be his bodyguard Diesel, and the act took off. It really played to Nash’s strengths of standing in one place and wearing sunglasses while looking intimidating, while avoiding his weakness of actually wrestling or talking. Michaels became a huge star and Vince took one look at him and thought, “I’m gonna push the bodyguard instead.”

Diesel was quickly made Intercontinental Champion and became increasingly popular thanks to Michaels' antics, as he was determined to make sure his real life best friend became a top star right alongside him. Then, in November 1994, Vince pulled the trigger on his latest “Hulk Hogan: Version 3, this time we swear it’s gonna work” idea and Diesel crushed Bob Backlund in eight seconds to win the WWF World title.

Now, for those of you who didn’t get the privilege of experiencing the rise of Nash to the main event firsthand, let me sum up his moveset for you:

  1. Lift boot in corner to choke opponent, then make framing motion with hands and throw an elbow.
  2. Flip voluminous hair menacingly and raise gloved fist in a “Toot toot” gesture.
  3. Finish opponent with a big boot and half-assed powerbomb.
  4. Possibly flip hair again.
  5. Call it a night and go drinking.

This is nothing against Nash. I enjoyed him as badass bodyguard Diesel at the time and even thought it was pretty cool that he got the midcard push. However, this is not a guy who should be pushed as the unbeatable superman in the main event. It was just the wrong character on the wrong guy. But that didn’t stop the WWF marketing machine from declaring that the WWF was now running on “Diesel Power."

Unfortunately, the gas tanks were on empty and Diesel’s big moment at WrestleMania 11 bombed. Even worse for him, best-friend Michaels completely sabotaged their match, using it as a vehicle to get himself over by making Diesel look terrible and himself look like the sympathetic victim.

In fact, through 1995, while Diesel sputtered as the corporate-mandated family-friendly champion, Michaels was building a grassroots fanbase with his rebellious image and having classic matches in the middle of the card, quickly eclipsing Diesel as the biggest and most popular babyface. While Diesel had terrible matches with slugs like Sid and King Mabel, Shawn was having amazing matches with Jeff Jarrett and Razor Ramon.

By November, Diesel had been champion for a year and McMahon was forced to admit that maybe trying to make someone else into Hulk Hogan just wasn’t going to work. Unfortunately for him, Diesel had set records as the lowest-drawing WWF champion in history in the process. The plug was finally pulled and Diesel went back to being a badass heel again — which is what he should have been all along. Meanwhile, fans finally got what they wanted, as Michaels was finally made into the top guy at WrestleMania 12. And Nash, as is the pattern here, went back to WCW and became an even bigger star.

Unfortunately, there’s no longer a WCW for Roman Reigns to go be a bigger star in, but hopefully someone learns the lessons of the past with him before it’s too late.

Scott Keith

Scott Keith Photo

Scott Keith is the overlord of Scott's Blog of Doom at, and has authored 5 books on pro wrestling, now available on Amazon and in discount bins near you! He lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with his wife and ridiculously cute daughter.