Sydney 2000: The incredible story behind Australia's Women's Water Polo gold medal at the Sydney Olympics

Lachlan McKirdy

Sydney 2000: The incredible story behind Australia's Women's Water Polo gold medal at the Sydney Olympics image

Sporting News is going to look back on the 2000 Olympics and pick one moment from each day of competition to celebrate the 20th anniversary.

You can look back at yesterday's moment here when Andrew Hoy won his first individual equestrian medal at an Olympics.

When Australia's Women's water polo team won gold at the Sydney Olympics it was more than just a reward for a week of competition, it was an achievement over 20 years in the making. 

After battling so hard for the sport to be included in Sydney, it was a just reward for the incredible squad of players.

And while the celebrations were certainly lengthy, for the 13 women in the squad and the wider Water Polo community, their victory at Sydney 2000 marked something even more important. 


MORE: Remembering Scott McGrory and Brett Aitken's emotional gold medal in the inaugural Men's Madison event

Sporting News sat down with captain Debbie Watson and match-winner Yvette Higgins to chat about their memories of Sydney 2000. 

While the victory against the USA in the final is what most Australians remember, the pair talk even more fondly about the battle they faced to get to that moment. 

Water polo has been in the Olympics since 1900. But that was only for men. 

There were periods where it looked as though it would finally be introduced at the Olympics for women. 

There was talk in the lead-up to 1984 in Los Angeles. Again in 1992 in Barcelona and 1998 in Atlanta. 

"When I first made the team, it was 1983," Watson remembers.

"And so obviously ‘84 Olympics was Los Angeles. Way back then they were going, 'we could actually be in the ‘84 Olympics'.

"We just thought it was something that could just happen quickly. Obviously it didn't happen.

"That whole time from the very early 80s there was always protests and you know, people were mentioning the word discrimination every time they spoke on the radio, TV and the event, whatever it was, just trying to promote the fact that there was no real reason why we couldn't be in the Olympics."

Watson is arguably the most decorated water polo player in Australia's history. 

She captained Australia for years, won gold at the World Championships in 1986 and was placed into the International Swimming Hall Of Fame. 

But a change of direction for the Australian team a few years out from 2000 left her on the outer, feeling let down by the sport she had dedicated her life to. 

"I was captain of that (World Cup-winning) team in 1995," Watson said.

"Then at the next national championships, the current coach basically just said to me he wanted to take the team in another direction.

"He had someone else in mind that he wanted to captain and he basically said, if you want to play on, I'm not going to guarantee you anything.

"I just felt after all the years of service that I'd given to the sport, that was really unfair that he would say that.

"I didn't mind the fact that I had to fight for my position, because every time the team was selected, you know, you always played your best because you want to be selected.

"I went to the board at the time and I told them what had happened, and they basically just went, ‘It’s his team, he can do what he wants’.

"I just thought, 'That’s not good enough'. I'd spent a lot of time over the years standing up for other players and I thought, I need to stand up for myself here.

"So I basically walked away."

Watson continued playing the sport for Sydney University and kept her fitness up in case things changed. 

Higgins, 12 years Watson's junior, was just starting her career in the Australian team at that time. 

But even then, she remembers fondly the uncertainty around the sport and whether they would be competing at the Olympics. 

"Initially, I didn't think, 'Oh, we're not in the Olympics, that's okay'," Higgins said.

"Once I made the Australian team when I was 17, I do remember the Atlanta Olympics.

"We heard that the water polo would be on, that Women’s water polo would be pushed into that, and then we weren’t on it.

"When I watched the Olympics at that time, I thought, ‘Where’s the water polo?’. 

"I think that resonated with me, thinking 'We should be in the Olympics'."

It was at this stage that the fight to get women's water polo at the Sydney Olympics ramped up. 

The players held protests. Some greeted then IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch at the airport during his pre-Games visits to Sydney. 

Others campaigned at Olympic meetings in the Sydney CBD. 

They were determined to get the recognition they know they deserved. 

water polo protests

Higgins attended one of the protests, arriving straight from school in her swimsuit.

"I do recall when we had to go to that meeting...I came a few minutes late because I was coming from school," Higgins laughed.

"That was the moment when the decision of whether we would be actually getting in the Olympics or not.

"Obviously, there was a lot of leeway leading up to that, with people behind the scenes ten years prior to that.

"But for Liz Weekes to gang crash that meeting with her sister and another player and then the protests at the airport, it obviously gained a lot of media attention.

"I think if it wasn't for that moment, I don't think we would have been at the Olympics for Sydney 2000."

In October 1997, it was finally announced that women's water polo would be at the Olympics from Sydney 2000. 

It was an exciting moment for all the players involved, but initially they were told only 11 players would be allowed in their squad for the Games. 

This was down from the usual 13 that would normally compete. 

It also meant it would be even harder for Watson to force her way back into the frame for the moment she'd be dreaming of, an Olympic Games. 

"Two people were going to miss out that had just gone to the World Cup in 1999," Watson said.

"We don't consider ourselves a team of 13, it was a really big group and we made decisions as a unit.

"We knew people were going to be ecstatic and others were going to be heartbroken, so we decided that we'd get letters in our rooms.

"Every player in the squad was going to get a letter whether you're in or you're out.

"I think it was like fifteen minutes of no communication between the teams and then there was going to be a meeting.

"When we got those letters, it was sort of mind-blowing for us.

"But we were very aware of the girls who had missed out and how heartbreaking it was for them.

"They were incredible and they were part of the squad and they came to the Olympics and they were cheering for us like they were in that team."

While in the back of their minds they always wanted to win the gold medal, it was never their priority. 

As a group, the team would lay down rules to ensure they didn't get ahead of themselves and controlled any expectations. 

"I think we never really said 'We're going to win a gold'," Watson said.  

"Obviously that was what our aim was, but we were very focused on the processes of getting there.

"István (Gögényi) was an incredible coach and all our drills led to the next drill that led to the next and then the game situation.

"We were always aiming and knew we were very capable but if we didn't follow those processes, you know, we probably wouldn't have got the result that we were after." 

Once they realised they were about to be Olympians, everything became surreal. 

"We went off to this get our blazers," Watson remembered.

"We're all sort of standing there and then they played the national anthem.

"We were all holding hands at the time and we started singing. Lots of people couldn't continue because it was so emotional and holding back the tears.

"They just didn't get what it meant to us to finally get that blazer with the Olympic rings on it."

Australia finished on top of the table for the group stages of the competition. 

After defeating Russia in the semi-final it set up a mouth-watering final against the Americans. 

"I remember the crowd when we walked out for the final, I've never seen that many people before," Higgins said.

"We were there training at five a.m. in the morning, they'd be lucky to have one person in the stand to watch us train seven days a week.

"To see that many people, those seventeen thousand and the roar, I get goosebumps thinking about this."

Both enjoyed the fact that despite the large crowd, they could still spot so many friends and family in the stands. 

They had followed them all the way through the tournament and now were here to cheer them on in the final. 

While most people would probably feel nervous heading into a gold medal match, Watson felt the pressure was off. 

Their biggest battle was getting water polo into the Olympics. No matter what happened in this match, they were coming out winners. 

"I actually remember thinking I can't lose, we were going to win a silver medal at the very worst," Watson said.

"We are going to walk away with a silver medal, our wildest dreams are going to come true.

"Obviously it's not what we wanted, but I think knowing that takes a lot of pressure off you."

The cacophony of noise coming from the crowd made it hard for the players to communicate in the pool. 

But these 13 women knew each other so well, it was almost telepathic. 

And it needed to be. 

The Americans levelled the scores with 14 seconds to go. Australia had one last chance to win the game before extra-time. 

After seven matches in eight days, that was the last thing anyone wanted. 

Watson had been in the pool and called to the bench for a rest. She was one of three players substituted out of the game. 

That brought Higgins into the pool. 

The ball came to her and with 1.3 seconds on the clock and she unleashed a thunderous shot into the top-left corner of the goal. 

It brought the crowd to their feet and secured Australia the inaugural Olympic gold medal in Women's water polo. 

"I remember there were three of us on the bench looking at each other thinking, you better put us in," Higgins said.

"Like we were just thinking that because if you need to get a goal, you need to put us in. 

"I remember seeing 1.3 seconds above about the goals and Simone (Hankin) went and got the ball.

"If it wasn't for her, I don't think I would have got the pass, she just read my eyes, like, give me the ball.

"She gave me this beautiful pass and I knew that everyone's going, yep, extra time.

"I just shot and just place top corner and it just went off, thank God."

You can watch footage of Higgins' incredible last-gasp goal in the player below.

"It was more relief," Higgins said she felt after the goal.

"The stress, the pressure we were so tired, the thought of going into extra time. Oh my goodness.

"Obviously to score that goal, like yes, it’s amazing.

"It was just I didn't want to go any extra time."

The most incredible moment for Watson was when they got to step on the medal dais to collect their gold medal. 

Not because they were about to be awarded one of the most iconic items in sport, but because of the women she was doing it alongside. 

"I found it quite surreal," Watson said.

"It was incredible that we were all lined up, we were in our cap order standing behind the blocks.

"It was one of those moments, do you believe we have actually done it.

"I remember we were all lining up, holding hands and they said Australia and we all stood up with our hands.

"I swear I stood behind myself and watched myself go up. I’ve never had an out of body experience in my life but I actually saw that happen and felt like I joined in, it was just bizarre.

"It was an incredible moment like nothing you could buy."

For Higgins, it was almost a moment that could have had her on highlight reels for different reasons. 

"I remember tripping getting up on the medal dais," she laughed. 

"Lucky I had my teammates supporting me up."

After plenty of media commitments and photo opportunities, the whole team went straight to the Gladesville Hotel to celebrate. 

The adopted home of the side during the tournament, they were greeted by what Watson believes to be nearly 10,000 people at the venue. 

For both, it's those moments that they cherish most. 

Spending time with their friends and family, celebrating an achievement that had been so long in the making. 

"Truly for me, it’s the friendships I miss the most," Watson said.

"They could have given me a bottle top for the medal but it’s what it actually stands for and the whole journey.

"I just adore all of my teammates from not only the Olympics but everything beforehand.

"They’re my real friends, People that you’ve been through thick and thin."

You can watch a full replay of the final against the USA on the Olympic Channel here

Lachlan McKirdy

Lachlan McKirdy Photo