WWE: Bill DeMott resigns as head trainer for NXT amid scandal

Scott Keith

WWE: Bill DeMott resigns as head trainer for NXT amid scandal image

Bill DeMott, head trainer for WWE's developmental system the past four years, has resigned effective immediately. DeMott had been mired in controversy after allegations of racism, physical abuse, sexual harassment and other offenses surfaced.  

The most damning evidence came from a lengthy complaint made to WWE's human resources division by wrestler Austin Matelson (aka Judas Devlin) in 2013. The complaint included a laundry list of accusations, most of which were confirmed, or at least not denied, by other people who had left the NXT system around the same time.

Among DeMott's greatest hits, according to the letter:

— Forcing Matelson to work on two injured knees and telling him that going to HR with problems was a "f—t—t way of dealing with problems"

— Referring to wrestler Joel Pettyfer as "Joel Pedophile"

— Making jokes about how a finisher named after deceased wrestler Davey Boy Smith should be "turning blue and dropping dead on the lawn."  

— Telling trainees that he "hoped they killed themselves" shortly after the suicide of wrestler Mike Graham.

— Repeatedly slapping and bullying developmental wrestler Enzo Amore during his training.

DeMott denied the allegations Friday while announcing his resignation via Twitter.

WWE said in a statement this week that it had completed its own investigation into Matelson's claims and found no wrongdoing. 

DeMott had gained a reputation for being a bully during a previous stint as head trainer when WWE used Ohio Valley Wrestling as its training center. In fact, he was fired in 2007 for similar reasons. He was, somewhat mysteriously, rehired by WWE in 2011 when it launched a new season of "Tough Enough" on USA Network. He was took over as trainer for NXT (formerly Florida Championship Wrestling) in 2012.

Cameras were installed in the training center in 2013, and they now record everything that happens there 24 hours a day. Most people suspect the cameras were installed in case of potential lawsuits.

Matt Bloom (aka Jason Albert) was chosen to be DeMott's interim replacement, PWInsider.com reported.

Scott Keith

Scott Keith Photo

Scott Keith is the overlord of Scott's Blog of Doom at www.blogofdoom.com, and has authored 5 books on pro wrestling, now available on Amazon and in discount bins near you! He lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with his wife and ridiculously cute daughter.